Vishavkarma - 741 - Straw Reaper is Tested & Approved by Govt. of INDIA (Ministry of Agriculture). Specially developed for the tough geographical conditions. Vishavkarma Straw Reaper is a threshing machine, cut, threshed & cleaned the straw in one operation. The wheat stalks left after combine harvest are cut by an oscillating blades while revolving reel pushes them back toward & auger. The stalks are conveyed into the machine by the auger & guide drum, which reaches the threshing cylinder which cut the stalks into small pieces against concave.
Manufactured by VISHAVKARMA Agro Industries (Regd.) - Dirba, (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company.)
It give superior separating performance. The short fragment (straw) fall through the bars of the concave. Double Blower operating just behind rushes the straw to trolley attached & separate the dust particles. Our harvester reapers are as per following specification.
Technical Specifications
Product Name / Model Code
VISHAVKARMA 741 - Straw Reaper
Manufacturer Details
Manufacturer: VISHAVKARMA AGRO Indsutries. (Regd.) - Dirba. An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company.
Manufacturer's Address: Kadial Road, Dirba, Distt. Punjab, INDIA.
Chassies Width: 62" (1574.80 mm).
Gear Box
Gear Box: Heavy Duty.
Threshing Drum
Length (mm): 1422.2
Threshing Dia (mm): 787.4
Number of Blades: 288
Length (mm): 1435
Dia (mm): 850.9
Blade: 35
Width (mm): 260.35
Dia (mm): 660
Blower Fan Dia (mm): 609
Guide Drum
Length (mm): 1422.2
Dia (mm): 381
Cutter Bar
Reel Length (mm): 2057.4
Reel Dia (mm): 406.4
Number of Blades: 28
Number of Fingers: 14
Product Weight: 1800 Kg. Approx.
Technical Specifications & Colors of the products can be changed without any prior notice.