VISHAVKARMA TD 741 - Tractor Driven Combine Harvester is Tested & Approved by Govt. of INDIA (Ministry of Agriculture). Specially developed for the tough geographical conditions. This combine harvester is ideal for harvesting of Wheat, Soyabean, Paddy, Sunflower and Pulses etc.
Manufactured by VISHAVKARMA Agro Industries (Regd.) - Dirba, (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company.)
Our Agriculture Combine Harvester is highly appreciated in the agricultural sector for high cutting rate and durability. Perfect for the harvesting of the crops, our Grain Combine Harvester is easy to use and Fuel Consumption is very low. We have firmly positioned ourselves as one of the prominent Agricultural Combine Harvester Manufacturers, based in India.
Technical Specifications
Product Name / Model Code
Vishavkarma TD 741 - Tractor Driven Combine Harvester
Manufacturer Details
Manufacturer: VISHAVKARMA AGRO Indsutries. (Regd.) - Dirba. An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company.
Manufacturer's Address: Kadial Road, Dirba, Distt. Punjab, INDIA.
Powered By
Powered By: Your Tractor.
Fuel Used: Diesel.
Elecrtrical System
System Voltage: 24 V Negative Ground.
Battery: Exide Make, 12 V 100 AH
Alternator Outpur: 24 V
Grain Header / Cutter Bar
Effective Cutter Bar width.: 14 Feet.
No. of Guards: 57.
No. & Type of Knife Blades: 56 (Sharp Make).
Detail of Knife Drive: End of Cutter Bar is connected with a Crank Arm to the Pitman Shaft and oscillated by a Crank Arm.
Knife Safety Arrangment: Knife Guard Provided.
Threshing Drum
Type: Rasp Bar (For Wheat) - Peg Tooth (For Paddy).
Width (mm): 1250 mm (For Wheat) - 1265 mm (For Paddy).
Diameter of Threshing Drum: 606 mm.
Speed of Threshing Drum: 540 to 1200 Rpm.
Speed Adjustment: Mechanical.
Straw Walkers
Number of Straw Walker: 5 (Five).
Cleaning Sieves
Cleaning Sieves: Cleaning Sieves
Bottom Sieves
Bottom Sieves: Bottom Sieves
Product Weight: 8500 Kg. Approx.
Technical Specifications & Colors of the products can be changed without any prior notice.